Products and services offered at your local Redeem Chiropractic Center.
Your First Step Toward Resilient Living:
Restore Balance
All of the services available to you at Redeem Chiropractic are intentionally designed to help balance the body along three unique stress pathways – emotionally, chemically, and neurologically.

Wellness Chiropractic
Wellness is an ongoing and active part of a person’s emotional, chemical, and neurological health. We offer Wellness Chiropractic plans for both children and adults who are looking to maintain their current health while benefitting from the positive effects of a fully functioning nervous system. Our Wellness patients often enjoy more energy, better focus, higher quality sleep, and improved functional movement.

Corrective Chiropractic
Incidents like car accidents, falls, whiplash injuries, and even sitting at a desk all day can and will take their toll on one’s health – physically, chemically, and emotionally. Corrective Chiropractic plans are designed to meet the patient where they are and begin fighting for them from that place. These comprehensive plans include a free nutritional consultation, discounted vitamins and supplements, as well as more intensive chiropractic sessions to address their symptoms and concerns.

Vitamins & Supplements
The foods that we eat, the air that we breathe, and the products we use on a daily basis all support our bodies ability to heal or hinder it. Unfortunately, there is rarely a gray area. We offer a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other all-natural supplements that help patients recover from symptoms, increase their body’s healing power, and stay health in seasons of intense changes. We provide products online and in-store at our Redeem Chiropractic Center.